ahhh! yes! oxford. really just another university town in england but quite a beautiful one. it only took us an hour to get there. it's amazing to think that this country is sooo full of history. did you know that the creator of Alice in wonderland came from Oxford? and that he was inspired by a young bohemian girl named...alice? did you know they found pre-historic animal remains in oxford? did you know there are 35 universities in oxford?
we hope to head back in the summer and go punting (pushing boats along the river with a big long pole, stopping off at pubs to quench thirst and other fun etc).
on sunday we had a lovely family lunch up the road from our house. nothing better then a late pub lunch on a sunday.
not much else to report. no more snow. lots of grey skies. still cool. but not freezing. this weekend we are off to belgium (again for me, first time for lachie) to enjoy...beer and chocolates.
healthy weekend ahead!
much love
I see some blue sky there, it must happen once ina while!!
we've had some nice blue sky days recently, AND its getting lighter! The birds are chirping more - The end of winter is drawing nigh.
Since you have been to Oxford I recommend you go to Cambridge to see another beautiful university town that is FAMOUS for punting. Make sure you invite us - its on my list of things to do.
Have a fun healthy weekend in Brussels.
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