hello! i wish that every time people logged on there was something new and exciting to look at. so i'm going to add a few more photos. we haven't really been up to a whole lot of REALLY WOW AMAZING stuff. but we have been having a really really nice time. down time. lachie is reading a book for the first time...ever? I've never seen him read a book that wasn't an 'evo' picture book. we went and saw the da vinci code the other night and the next day we went to costco and bought the picture book version (oh! that's why he's reading it...).
the weathers been quite humid, around 20 degrees. cloudy and a few rain showers. we've been into town a few times, had some beautiful dinners. i tried out the bean dish that i got from lisa in santa cruz. definitely wasn't as good as her's but still pretty yummy.
today is saturday and we are flying back to vancouver to stay at some more cousins house. all my cousins in canada have little babies and i can assure you you won't be seeing us with one of those anytime soon!
tonight we are planning on going out with one of my more 'crazy' cousins. he's lived in vancouver long enough to know all the cool underground clubs. last time i was here he took me to this wierd club that was full of every different stereotype under the sun-hardcore gothics, surfers, 'woggy', normal/boring, old hippies, grasshopper from goa type. it was an unreal night. so i'm hoping for something along those lines again tonight.
i secretly want lachie to love it here so much that he'll want to live here. i think it's working. or maybe not.......
could that "no babies soon please" policy have anything to do with how CRAZY it is around here sometimes? have to giggle when i see my daughter's hands in the family shot above... he he
p.s. it's been a JOY to have you both. so fun getting to know Lachlan better -- you are truly the most thoughtful man alive, i'm CERTAIN! hope you come back soon...
we had those beans in a wrap tonight with cheese, avocado and lots of lettuce and it was truly one of the best wraps we've EVER had! YUMMMMMM! thank you for leaving us so many beans beans beans!!! (and happy memories!) xo
hahahah the little girl is almost flipping us off!
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