What a week it’s been! Either we are getting old or having too much fun, it feels like Cinque Terre was about 3months ago.
So…from Cinque Terre we went to Pisa, yes we did the cliché pics, it was such a beautiful warm afternoon, no queues or crowds. We really enjoyed Pisa but when the exhaust fell off from 7 weeks of cobblestones it was a good time to get out of there (well done to Lachie for fixing it on the spot)! Next day to Florence where we spent two nights and two days enjoying the city and the pizza. Ticked a few things off our list – David and climbed the Duomo. It was SUPER DUPER hot so we tried to keep site seeing and queuing to a minimum. From Florence we went to this beautiful lake right on the edge of Umbria/Tuscany called Lago Trasimeno. We felt like we had melted after Florence so spent two nights/days there seriously recuperating and working on our tans. It was so beautiful and relaxing and just what we needed. Onwards to Sienna where it was so hot we only spent an hour site seeing before jumping in our car and driving ALLLLLLL the way to Pompeii. 7 hours later…
Pompeii was HOT, but really amazing. A whole city over 2000years old in pretty good condition. The Amalfi coast next stop where we stayed for 3 nights. LOVELY! Amalfi coast is pretty spectacular; the roads are toe curlingly windy, steep and narrow. Tons of tourists. We actually got a bit stuck, driving too far along the road to turn around, too windy to keep going, we couldn’t make up our mind where to stop for the night and ended up driving for 5 unnecessary hours after a very sweaty morning at Pompeii so we spent the whole next day lying by the pool at our campsite (back in Sorrento – the beginning of the Amalfi from Naples). Did we mention that it was really hot?
The next day we went to Capri. Fabulous darlings. Also really touristy but we went anyway. We did a tour around the island and made a stop off at the ‘Blue Grotto’. Have you been? It was incredible! We got taken into a tiny mouth in the cliffs in little row boats by these crazy singing Italian men. From watching them they didn’t spend long in there and we had to pay 10euros each to go, our expectations weren’t very high but they were certainly exceeded! The sunlight bounces off the walls underneath the water which makes it luminescent inside. Magic. After Capri we caught a ferry to Positano where we spent the afternoon swimming, beer drinking and ohhhing and ahhing over where we were. Bello! Crazy bus ride back to our campsite with a storm chasing us. First rain in a while which was a huge relief! Met two girls from Victoria (Australia) who were driving around a campervan one of their Dad’s had custom made and had shipped over to Russia. Lachie was pretty ‘chuffed’ to meet them and hear all about the car.
From Amalfi we planned on staying a night in a little town before continuing on to Sicily. Again, no expectations of the area between and WOW! There is this area which is like the Amalfi (really dramatic cliffs, azure water, high mountains) but devoid of tourist build up. It was breath taking. We’d highly recommend the area to anyone. We stayed in a beautiful campsite right on a pebbly beach in Praia a Mare. And now today we are in Sicily! It’s only a 20min ferry across the water and we are in a town called Catania on the eastern coast of the island. We are going to hike up Mount Etna tomorrow! It’s a live volcano and we’ve read that it could erupt without warning so if you don’t hear from us again…
Great pics...did you really take that photo of David?? Cant you read English??
Love the leaning tower one of Lac!
I love Italy!!
oh you both look gorgeously beautiful and happy! european tans, playing on boats and eating local food. i wanna be there too! wow you are having an epic trip. yay!! xx cherry
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