Sometimes everything goes your way and this weekend certainly one of them. What a weekend! We arrived into small town
Biarritz and there waiting for us is our brand new Mini hire car ready to get thrashed. We quickly crossed the border into Basque Country and the beautiful Pyrenees Mountains where the mini lapped up every winding corner. I had never thought of Spain as lush green forests and crystal clear streams besides peaking mountains. This is northern We set up camp 10
mins out of town; it was full of crazy Aussies,
NZ'ers and Spaniards. We partied on well into the night and woke up with the alarm at 6am! We had to meet
Mealz and
Shareen who had just caught the over night bus from Barcelona. And as luck goes all the girls managed to get up onto a balcony over looking the run and have the best view in town! The town was absolute madness!!! It was so mad that once the run was over each day we
couldn’t wait to get out of there, we had never seen anything like it. People asleep where they fell, rubbish piled a few feet high, drunken people with Sangria and flour all over them x 30,000. It was horrid. After the run on Saturday we slowly made our way to San Sebastian, did a little sight seeing, ate lots of Tapas and chilled on the beach. We really loved it there.Sunday 6am, all over again. This time Sal stayed in bed and Dan and I headed off to the run. We were a lot more prepared this run, so much adrenalin, so many Spaniards and so much fun!
What a weekend!!!!

A beautiful Spanish sunset in the campsite 7km out of
Vodka and nibbles in the tent with Sal and Dan

Mealz and
Shareen managed to sweet talk an old lady into letting them go up to her balcony for the ultimate view and managed to snap us, what are the chances of that!

A sea of red and white, we were the odd ones out

And their off.. the bulls come in 4 groups of 4 let off at small intervals making their way into the bull ring, a rocket is let off to signal the start of each run

Such an adrenalin rush!

Dan and I pumped after we survived our first bull ran and made it into the ring. Little did we know the ring is where all the damage is done when the bulls are let loose!!
The run is over by 9am so that left us all day to head to San Sebastian and see the sights and have a quick dip. We loved it there, especially all the tapas bars! And Spain is soooo cheap!
A really cool looking church built into the hill.
Dan after a big night remembered where he had left his head
It was so good to see Mealz even if it was just for one day
San Sebastian and the main beach. Its split by two beaches on either side of the town. 
The second bull run!! We were a lot more prepared and pumped for this run. Running side by side with them. Masses of people at 7am on Sunday morning ready to take the bulls head on
Close call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This time we decided to get a better view and be out of the action in the ring, notice the guy getting horned!!
Our awesome little mini handled the weekend with ease
Sunday afternoon was beach time in Biarritz while waiting for our plane home, it had been a long time since I had done a bit of body surfing with a decent swell
hey fun! We were in San Sebastian in 01, nice town. We did a day trip to the Guggenheim museum in Bibao, VERY cool.
awesome pics lach!! how did the girls sweet talk that old lady to share her balcony?? lucky things! looks like u guys all had a hell of a good ure work...*Jazz
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