Hello from Romania!
We got in this morning. You could now call us officially clued in train travellers. Last night I actually had a really great sleep on the train (besides the 3am passport control). So far Budapest is our favourite large city. Big, but not too big, old and a bit run down but clean lots of character and very very romantic looking. Apparently Brasov (where we are now) is the 'hot spot' of Eastern Europe. Hmmm...not sure about that but can say one thing for sure. It feels like we've stepped about 3 centuries back in time. Coming into town, seeing the country side, there was nothing new at all. People making bricks by hand. Cutting fields of hay, grass, by hand! It all looked simple, green and very beautiful. Tomorrow we are off to see Draculas castle. Today we've done a few things and Lachie's now at some towers. I feel like i'm done 'seeing' for a while. Just feel like 'being'. It's funny how so many people rate Prague as the place to be in Eastern Europe. All we can both agree to say is...there are waaay better places! Krakow in Poland, Budapest in Hungary, Brasov in Romania, Vilnius in Lithuania.By Saturday we will be in Turkey and at the end of this tour! So strange to think this part of our trip is already almost over. Feels like we just started. Of course we still have another month and a bit of travel so nothing to worry about 'end of holiday/not working' yet. We saw our friend Rachel yesterday which was alot of fun. She’s a missionary in Budapest area. I can see now why she was so excited to come to this area. While all our friends and family are sitting at home in their offices and houses, comfort zones we are out in the world living! Certainly don't want to rub it in because no doubt there are probably alot of you who have no desire to be doing what we are doing, but this really is incredible. Since I found out that my friend died I’ve really appreciated that I’m truly living my dream.
I hope you are too...

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