We are at the end of our tour now. In Aqaba. Where do I start? Re: Brents message - we were very aware of what was going on around us. To be honest we were much much more aware then anyone out of the country would have been. We had a local guide who was constantly receiving news messages on his phone. The thing that frustrated us the most is that from watching CNN and BBC it seems the western world is so deceived by the media. But we won't go into that now...the FBI might be reading ;)
So, Jordon is lovely. I think we would both agree that we enjoyed our time in
Last night we stayed in a 'Bedouin camp' in the middle of the desert. We sat around the camp fire with the locals telling us their secrets of the desert. Wow! (Not really it was just a tourist camp in the desert. Nothing too special) but we DID see the biggest shooting star ever. It looked like a plane was falling out of the sky, right in front of us. Eek!
Now in Aqaba. We are HANGING out to leave. We can't swim in this 'beach/port' city right on the red sea and it's over 40degrees today. Looking soo forward to sailing with my family for a week in
Lachie is much better then last time I wrote but the bug knocked him truly for six! He had cold sores and ulcers. Poor thing. But he was still able to participate in everything. I was the one that was dragging my feet the last few days. We are pretty over touring...