After the worst flight in history on united we have arrived and are at the cordero's house in Santa Cruz, all is good, the sun is shining. I want to go for a surf however the water is really really cold, there's still lots of surfers out.
With united, 4hrs into the flight when Sal and I was standing at the we noticed the back door of the plane wasn't even armed!! You know when the say " cross check and arm doors" obviously this didn't happen. I told them right away and they armed it after swearing and talking on the intercom for about 5 mins, if someone opened the handle the door would of sucked out and everyone in the plane . Not to mention the plane was so old, didn't have tv's in the seats, the projector Tv that everyone shares didn't work in our area, we were stuck in the middle between 2 people and surrounded by crying babies and the flight was packed, there food was foul to.
We laughed it off, and it was a cheap ticket so in the end we didn't care.
Were just chillin out then going for a bike ride, everyone rides around those cool cruza bikes..
L an S
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