on thursday night we were taken out for dinner to a kick ass mexican restaurant called 'Olitas' on the wharf. YUM! goodness me, when i think about it i think we had another 3 pitchers of margaritas. i (s) had a salmon quesadilla, and i (l) had his usual-fajitas. YUM!
windy friday, bright and early we got a ride to santa clara station where we caught the 'caltrain' to SAN FRANSISCO. we had planned on doing alcatraz first thing but when we got down there the ferry ride over to the island was alllll sold out for the day. so we trekked up to lombard street instead and then trammed it back into town. we went to china town and haight street (s, favorite)

later in the afternoon we met up with greg and lisa (our beautiful S.C. pals) , tailgated (having a bbq/snacks/liquor out of the back of the car pre-game) and watched the giants (baseball) whip some colorado ass. ohhh yeahhhh. it was

saturday jesse and katie took us for the most gorgeous drive we've ever been on. firstly driving around the university UCSC. and then north through the red woods. it had been raining for 7 weeks straight before we got there and it was a beautiful day. it was a lush green, clear blue sky kind of day.

we went to this really random place called the moon rocks. it's a whole mountain made of the softest sandstone we've ever seen. there were crazy carvings all over the place. we climbed to the top. just imagine-clear clear blue sky, pine trees all around and the ocean in the distance. it was soooo windy. but so glorious.

all the while at home lisa and greg were cooking a really mean feast. that night all their mates came over for a party. i think....i can't really remember. haha
i (s) walked away with the best bean recipe ever. i don't even normally like beans but this was GOOD!
and SUNDAY...the BIG day! lucas (g&l's youngest) is in a band. the 'luxury sweets'. they were in the 3rd round of a world wide battle of the bands. so we all made our way up to san fransisco to cheer them on that night. they had organised a bus to take a load of santa cruzians (pissed) up to the venue. made for a pretty crazy night. and they won! now they go to the next stage where hopefully they'll win that too and become world famous rock stars.

we left around 1pm. got in a cab to head to our hotel near the airport. 2 blocks away from where we had left them we were sitting at some lights and across the street we heard a really loud bang (this is all vague for sally but lachie remembers it clear as day) it sounded initially like a car back firing but after 6 more GUN SHOTS we realised what the heck was going on. we'd just witnessed a drive by freaking shooting! later back at our hotel in ghetto san bruno we huddled under the covers hoping to see the light of day and get the heck out of AMERCIA! BUT WE LOVE SANTA CRUZ!!!

four hours later we got on a shuttle bus and flew off to canada.
OH CANADA. safe, beautiful, piney, canada.
we are now in kelowna. where alot of my (s) family live. it's gorgeous here. warm, sweet smells, friendly faces and hopefully no drive by's!