Looking back at my last post of Ibiza in July all I can say is that it’s still the place to be. If not more beautiful than ever. The only thing to let us down this time was the weather for a few days and our hangovers, owchie! It still felt like we didn’t have enough time, next time I think it will be 2 weeks. One thing I really noticed this time, and also last time that it seems that the whole island is full of amazingly beautiful people that ooze ultra chic style. This time there was quite a gang of us there. My friend Willy (Andrew Williams), Mealz and Tony (Mealz’s BF), and Anna, fresh off the plane from Australia who is now living in London. We stayed in our old haunt Vara Der Ray right by the old town. Like last time we choose the two best nights of the week to hit the clubs, Sunday and Monday night. On Sunday we saw one of the best sets ever from Andy Cato, real name Andrew Cocup, Aka the Dj from Groove Armada @ space and on Monday we headed for DC10. The rest of the days we spent lazing about eating amazing food, enjoying each others company, hitting the beaches, shopping and playing around. One day we will own a villa there. We love this place!
The gang: Lac, Sal, Anna, Mealz, Tony and Willy

A Lazy day at Las Salinas beach

Out to Lunch....zzzzzz 

Being a monkey on the draw bridge at the front entrance of the old town

The girls being 'beautiful' Ibiza style!
The moon rising over the old town. The view from our room!
Cocktail time at the hippy markets

Our old favourite Benirras beach at the north of the island
A few storm clouds rolling over on top of the old town 
This was a classic!! Showing Tony how to ride the cannon Aussie style.
Willy and I enjoying a few quiet ones before we head out.
Once again the most amazing boats EVER! We loved this stealth weapon called Ninja
Posing at DC10. Getting into the action
Our favourite hang out the Rasta Bar, missing Thai the owner :( he was away
One of the most spectacular views on the whole island over to Es Vedra
A nice view down the western part of the Island

Sun set at Cafe Del Mar, Veličanstven Paraíso!!!!
The last night out and we splurged!! Willy and I even ordered snails!

Until next time!!