it's 4 degrees in london right now and it's the middle of the day! i spoke to soon about the mild weather. it's freakin FREEEZING! brrrrrr
sorry we haven't updated for the past few weeks! we've been busy little beavers. leading up to christmas time means lots of people to catch up with (i wonder what it is that makes people so desperately want to catch up and have parties this time of year!?)
well christmas in London is definitely something to experience! there are people singing carols at waterloo station and on our high street. christmas carols in all the pubs and on the radio constantly. everyone has their lights up and christmas trees in their windows. in fact when we were walking home the other night we were walking down this BEAUTIFUL street full of massive houses and i looked in a window where there was a HUGE christmas tree and a father on a ladder with his son passing him ornaments to put on their tree. i actually stopped walking to watch this little cliche take place before my eyes. i don't know about anyone else but i think coming from australia i've never seen a whole city/country/continent take christmas so seriously! i don't know whether to laugh or join in. it's just so foreign!
anyway-i've been trying to get over a cold for the past 2 weeks. 2 weekends ago we went and saw some kickass dj's- plump djs at fabric nightclub (huge crazy maze of a club right next to where i work!) and then on sunday i took my nephews to see 'happy feet' at the IMAX. it was their first time to the imax so it was pretty exciting! lachie has been getting his car in tip top shape. getting a radio installed, servicing it. it's been given a clean bill of health.
during the week we went and saw the musical 'wicked' which is about the wicked witch of the west pre-dorothy. i'd read the book before i even knew there was a musical so i was really excited to see it! and lachie doesn't want to miss out on anything fun so he came along for the ride. it was fantastic! we've also gone to see 'borat' and the latest bond movie.
this past weekend, as you can see in the pictures, we went ice skating on friday night in kew gardens. as we were walking there, there were two girls walking towards us singing christmas carols loudly and as they walked past one of them joyously yelled out 'HAPPY CHRISTMAS!' to us and a bit taken back i mumbled 'merry christmas' back to them. hehe. ice skating was so much fun, so cliche with pan pipe christmas carols playing and really light rain which we pretended was snow. it all got a bit much for me when i crashed into a little brat and went flying face first into the ice. ouch! i had a wet bum, swollen knee and sore shoulder. but this didn't ruin lachies night! he kept skating until he was the last one left on the ice. i on the other hand sat on my wet arse in pain 'patiently' waiting for him to finish his fun. humph.
surprisingly i really thrive on doing a 'big clean' every weekend, which i haven't been able to do for a while. so this saturday was all about making the place sparkle! yay! it never seems to last long though.
saturday night ali, lachie and i went to a farewell for one of our mates 'wilko' down on the river in putney and then went on an adventure to BRIXTON (africa in london) to see the coolest dj. dj-shadow. we were blown away by his very cool performance and the stage set up. loved it!
sunday we happily accepted an invitation to paul's house for a roast (YUM). and it was YUM! lamb, root veggies, mulled wine, roasted pears and the best brownies for dessert (or pudding as they call it here).
and NOW. another week. the last working week for us for 2006! yay! very early saturday morning we fly to france for a week of skiing and celebrating christmas in the snow. we'll be back in london for NYE which we'll be celebrating with all our friends at a party in north london. we'll post pictures in the new year of all our adventures between now and then. on thursday night we are having our little 'family' christmas at home. roast chicken, lots of veggies, gravy, yummy desserts and on friday night we are going to holly's to have a 'proper' family FEAST which is exciting!
it's not too cold here still. we keep hoping for snow. we've decided that if it snows we'll take the day off to go play in richmond park with our 'deer' friends! it's about 4 degrees at night and about 8 or 9 during the day. so, cold enough to wear a coat, scarves, gloves but not cold enough for the thermals.
so we wish you all the warmest christmas greetings, love and happiness for 2007! may it be the best year yet!
lots and lots of love,
sally and lachlan
as you can see we had another big fun weekend. it seems we never stop! there is always something going on. turns out on sunday we were invited to the world premier of 'miss potter' which is about beatrix potter. it has renee zellweger and ewan mcgregor (who lachie and i both LOVE) so that was really exciting getting to see them in real life. i keep smiling over my mental picture of lachie and i (running really late) running through leicester square and down the red carpet all dressed up and me wearing my sparkly shoes. we were born movie stars! teehee
the weather has been incredibly mild! we keep expecting it to be FREEZING, which it was for a few days while lachie was away, but it is SO mild! we hardly need to wear jackets.
we are feeling really settled now. loving our house which seems to get cosier all the time. lachie bought a bright red futon/couch on saturday which has added warmth to our living room. we also bought a beautiful baby blue lambs wool blanket in scotland for our bed. so it's lovely and cosy. we are all in routines now with lachie swimming 4 times a week and myself walking the streets exploring new areas and enjoying peeking into all the beautiful houses! we pretty much cook at home every night. i'm loving being an apprentice 'domestic goddess'! lachie and i meet at waterloo station every night and catch the train home together which is really always a big de-brief of our latest travel ideas! i'm not even going tell yall anymore where all the places we are going. you'll just have to keep reading this space!