Thursday, August 31, 2006
hello from sunny malta!
we are in MALTA! this place is amazing! really different. we keep comparing to italy, spain, middle east, croatia. but really it's soo unique. it's TINY for one. it's only a few km wide and then another few long. we got a rental car and have been fanging around on the SHOCKING roads! certainly an adventure. the day before we left we went to the nottinghill carnival. (if you havent been GO! it was wild!) i sprained my ankle so thats slowed things down a bit. today is the first day that i can walk slightly normal. though it still looks like i have elephantitis!
tomorrow we are going to gozo which is HALF the size of malta. but more beachy. the water here is gorgeous and apparently the locals say there arnt any sharks (!?)
the locals! i could write a whole book about the funny stuff we have seen so far.
so verdict so far on malta. AWSOME! definatly add it to your list!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
off to malta we will go!
today we are still recovering. lachie lost his voice. he made friends with these two cute young boys (12yrs &14yrs old) who were on their own and went about talking/yelling with them while the music was blaring. today we were dreaming about our own beds. our own space. we are sleeping on my sisters living room floor. my parents are still here but they are leaving on saturday. we are sooo excited about going to malta and gozo! we are going with my pal ali for a week. still, can't promise we will be settling down after that. since we have been travelling our list has gotten HUGE of all the places we want to go. we are now thinking brussels and paris (it's our 4 year anniversary next month)
today we went wandering around notting hill/portobelo road. looking out for places to live (notting hill? yeah dream on!). talking about what we want to do etc.
watch this space!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
back to londontown...
anyway we will keep writing on here, keep you updated on our lives and thoughts.
lac and salxxx
Sunday, August 13, 2006
For those of you who know Lachie remotely well, you’ll know that he LOVES the world rally (racing cars such as Evo's and Citroen) luck behold, it is in

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
deep blue sea....
we are now back in split which is a really cute town but TONS AND TONS of aussies! cant escape....
tomorrow we are heading out to the plavitz lakes for the night then down to debrovnik for 2 nights.
the day we flew in it was stinking hot and HUMID but not too bad now.
it has been great to catch up with my family again (too bad scooter and co. couldn't make it but will for sure be seeing you guys this winter in switzerland land) paul and jeff have gone back to london so its mum, dad, holly, sammy and oscar.
love to you all!
lac and sal